Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Kids Family Christmas Photos

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!!! The kids got their family photos taken again this year. Even though we are seperated by 3000 miles, you can all see them here together. MY HOW QUICKLY the little ones grow!!! LOVE you all, Have a Safe, Happy & Healthy 2006!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Beach Bound Hound 2005

Beach Bound Hounds 2005, our annual trip to Myrtle Beach with some of our greyhound friends. We have LOTS of fun and so do the pups, it is well worth the long drive to get there. For 2006, Greyhound Crossroads the group that hosts this event, has gotten us all into ONE hotel RIGHT on the beach, we can walk out our hotel, right onto the beach....looking forward to that. IF any of you would like to join us, PLEASE let us know and we will see IF we can get you into the same hotel. Good times, good friends and good food and our pups, what more can you ask for....